Done-For-You Supplement Solution For Your Gym

How would you like to be able to recommend supplements to your clients and get paid commissions on everything they buy in your online storefront (already made for you and ready to take orders)?

How would you like to be the only one in your area (at the moment) to offer DNA Nutrition & Fitness Test Kits?

How would you like to recommend this program to other trainers and gyms without fear of competition because you can get paid on their efforts too?

Well let’s go then!

If you’re ready to offer quality supplements that are non-GMO, Gluten-free, and Soy-free and also want to create a second paycheck, read on because I’d like to bring you on as a partner (only if our goals are in alignment).

Here’s the short story…

If you want to get started with marketing our quality supps with no money outlay and get paid 10% commission and save 10% when purchasing yourself, you can do that right here and have your website up in minutes!

Now, if you want to treat this as a serious revenue line within your current training business and create a significant second paycheck and open up all the income streams we have to offer (up to 30% commissions, overrides up to 10 levels deep, weekly bonuses), you can get started with a minimal outlay of $249-$349 which includes $365-$545 retail worth of supplements!

But regardless if you choose free or paid right now, the most important thing is to simply start now. (In the coming months, you’ll start seeing DNA Nutrition and Fitness based vitamin and supplement customization. It helps to be the first 😉.)

“By the time it’s a sure bet, it’s too late. Catch the trend early.”
– Tai Lopez

Look, if you start for free right now, and then look around inside to see how it all works and how you can apply it to your business (I’ll help you) you’re moving forward and taking that first step to extra revenue.

Then if you decide you want to go all-in and open up all the income streams available, you can simply upgrade. But don’t worry about that. Again, I know $249-$349 is not a big deal for established gyms/trainers, but for those starting off we want to give you the option to start free today and upgrade later if you wish. [Update: The free option to start may be going away in the near future.]

Here’s a screenshot of the site you’ll receive – fully built out and ready to take orders! (You’ll get this immediately after signing up.)

Money loves speed and time is of the essence.

If you’re ready to start your side hustle and be on your way to creating that second paycheck, enroll now and get the free done-for-you website.

Again, if you can swing the $249-$349 supplement bundle to get started, go ahead and do that… I noticed that those who have skin in the game tend to be more successful.

But if you can’t swing it right now, enroll for free and secure your done-for-you website now.

Choose your option below:

[Update: With more gym businesses coming onboard, the company just added a Business Builder Kit for $799. It’s just more products to test out for yourself and to sample (or sell) to your members.]

I’ll get notified when you sign, but if you have any questions (and you will), reach out to me and let’s partner up and get you rollin’!

Richard Rigor

Instant Influence

In his book, Instant Influence, by Michael Pantalon, he goes over the framework that gets people to take action because they want to.

People change because of their own reasons. We’re not here to hard-close anyone.

So let’s see how we can influence people elegantly.

Try this.

During a client consult, we’ve all done the, “One a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means ‘not ready at all’ and 10 means ‘totally ready’, how ready are you to make that change?

The next step of course is to help you and the other persona gauge their motivation.

Pantalon suggests we don’t attach too much importance to the numbers. A low number doesn’t mean that they’re not likely to take action, nor does a high number mean that they are likely to take action. What’s important isn’t the number but the process of thinking about why they might want to do something.

So what do we do?

We ask, “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?”


This pattern interrupt will stop them dead in their tracks and get them thinking why they didn’t pick a lower number.

Now even is someone picks a relatively high number, like 8, this technique will still take them off-guard. It will just reinforce to them that they believe they are truly at a higher level of readiness, but get them to re-think once again.

For the person who picked a low number, and they you ask “Why didn’t you pick a lower number?”, this pattern interrupt really gets the wheels turning in their heads.

It’s at this point you get them to find their “why” or their real reasons as to their readiness level.

Explore the conversation and get down to the root of their thinking. When you do this instead of hitting them with “closes” to their objections, you’ll build influence easier, faster, and smoother.

There is a 6-step framework to all of this so if you want to delve deeper, I highly suggest you read Instant Influence.

Try and practice this technique at your next fitness consult and let me know how it goes!



Brand This Fitness Ebook

Brand this Bootcamp Workouts ebook with your name, plus specific links that point to supplements where you make commissions.

I’m creating and repurposing more of my ebooks, and giving them to my team with their own name and links so they (you) can get paid on the supplements that are recommended within the ebook.

This is all part of how I’m sharing my assets when you join my team in my supplement business.

First read this “Done-For-You Supplement Solution” to wrap your head around  and understand the potential this has for your business.

Enroll (there’s a free option to start) and get your turn-key, ready-made website so we could grab the links and insert them into the ebook to particular supplements to promote.

After you enroll, I’ll send you the Bootcamp Workouts document to customize (or I can do that for you if needed) and I’ll also customize the ebook cover with your name or website. I’ll even change the colors if you wish (swap out the dark green and light green).

Don’t worry, I’ll mock up this cover so it’ll look magazine-style like the image at the very top. 🙂

The business opportunity with the nutrition company I’m with is truly next-level. I haven’t even told you about the DNA testing related to nutrition and fitness that we can do with our clients!

But first things first.

Enroll now by clicking the image below. Choose the Free Membership if you must, but if you have the means to, start with the Associate Kit that includes the DNA Testing Kit (that you can use for yourself and really understand the differentiator with our company).

But if laying out money is just not an option right now, start with the Free Membership. You’ll still get your turn-key website so we could grab the links to insert in the ebook.

Click here to enroll.

Once you enroll, I’ll contact you and get your details for branding the ebook.

Let’s partner up!

Richard Rigor

P.S. I have a 30-Day Challenge ebook I’m working on next. You’ll also be able to brand it once I finish it!

Just be sure to enroll today and get on my team so we can partner up!



Bootcamp Domination

Bootcamp Fitness Domination

Bootcamp “Farming”

Bootcamp Farming is when you scope out a neighborhood and cultivate prospects to campers from within that neighborhood. “Farming” is typically a real estate term that agents use when they focus on a specific area or neighborhood and constantly keep on marketing to that area (and eventually “own it” like you will).

This is your first step in your quest for bootcamp domination. Use this outdoor bootcamp strategy I’m outlining here and hone in on it now!

With bootcamp farming, how you choose an area is simple. It starts with one client who lives in the area – then you build around that. This client should be a raving fan of yours.

Offer your client a free month of bootcamp if she can round up 10 friends in the neighborhood to get your bootcamp going. [Note:] When starting a new bootcamp location, oftentimes I’ll set up the first class or even first week for free.

More campers the better. It builds a better synergy and atmosphere.

Farming The Neighborhood

1. Register a domain for this area or neighborhood. You can do something like I register my domains here. Do this immediately. You’ll use this domain on all marketing tools for this farm area. You will effectively be perceived as the bootcamp for that particular area or neighborhood.

2. Oversized Postcards – It’s a great idea to send postcards to the homes around the location (park, open field, etc) where you hold your bootcamp. You can send an announcement postcard stating that you’re starting a new bootcamp in the area – and make sure you stamp it with your domain name that you registered for the area in a big prominent font on the postcard.

You can either physically write down the street addresses of the nearby homes or better yet – get with a real estate agent (I’m sure you know one) and ask if s/he could print out the addresses for you. (All agents have this ability through the MLS.) Of course, you’d want to perhaps create a cross marketing relationship with this agent. Remember, you’ve got to give to get.

3. Moms Groups – When I ran my bootcamps, my demo was 80% women. Many neighborhoods have moms groups where you can speak in front of. This is a great way to introduce yourself. Give them quality, simple, and actionable info (like a basic bodyweight workout they could even do at home if they can’t make it to your bootcamp).

4. Neighborhood Association Meetings – Again, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and give out quality info to position yourself as the expert.

5. Word of Mouth – Get your campers talking with their neighbors and have them invite them to a class. You can also use or have your leader/client use the NextDoor app.

6. Free Weekend Workout – Show your presence in the area. Weekends are the perfect time to do this. You can involve more people and get the word out. A free weekend workout a month for the first few months (at least) of starting a new camp location will do wonders for your camp!


A neighborhood is already a built-in community. Now you can be the bootcamp for that community and “own it.”

You can repeat this strategy in multiple neighborhoods with this exact bootcamp farming method.

[Super Tip:] Remember the real estate agent I told you to become marketing friends with? Have him pull data on up and coming, growing, or established neighborhoods based on the demographics of your current neighborhood bootcamp.

You can then target these neighborhoods knowing that the demographics are similar to what you currently have going on.

Do The Math > Excite Your Mind > Take Action

2 neighborhood bootcamp locations. 2 separate class times each. Average 14 campers per class. 14 campers x 4 different classes = 56. With only 56 campers at an average of $150 per month, you’ll be generating $8,400 per month – a six figure per year run rate.

This model is expandable when you hire or contract additional trainers to run your bootcamps. You’ve got to lay the groundwork (systems) and then plug in the coaches and trainers on your team into the “system.” Stay with me and I’ll show you how to do it!

The Backstory

I did this when I first started my outdoor bootcamps. I had 2 locations at the time and ran only one morning class for each.

One was 2 times/week and the other was 3 times/week. I had at least 12 and sometimes up to 20 campers in each.

I only ran one morning class (5:30a) because I was a trainer at a globo-gym at the time.

But then as I realized I was making more money in that single bootcamp class (~$250) than I was making for a full day at the gym, I prepared my exit strategy from the globo-gym.

I ran bootcamps concurrently for several months, then made the leap to open my own gym. My mentor told me to treat it like an extension of your bootcamps, but now you’ve got a physical building so you never have to cancel because of weather.

This was back in 2007 – I opened the first licensed CrossFit Affiliate in Alabama, CrossFit Birmingham.

Fast forward 12 years… I had a successful exit and sold my gym in December 2019. Now I’m helping gym owners and trainers like you. A lot of learning, some failures, and plenty of successes happened during that time (including starting and selling a second affiliate gym) but that’s a story for another day.

So I’ve got the experience and now I’m helping others.

30 Day Content Marketing Plan

Ebook The 30-Day Content Marketing Plan

Don’t know where to start? This is literally a 30-Day Plan.

Follow it and adjust as needed, but this will set you up and offer clarity.

As a gym owner (or trainer), you’ve got the ability to produce content daily right at your finger tips.

Video, pics, audio, text… you’ve got members to highlight, talk about, write about, interview, etc. So much.

But this will give you a step-by-step plan!

📘 30-Day Content Marketing Plan 📥

Be The First?

Be the first!

I’m looking for partners who want to be the first gym in their area to offer DNA Fitness and Nutrition testing kits.

I’m looking for 8 solid gym owners right now.

Why send clients and members to 23andMe when YOU can offer DNA testing kits right from your gym shop (and of course make money).

And there’s more…

This is actually a complete system, with vitamins and supplements on the backend.

But first things first – You can start offering 🧬 DNA Fitness and Nutrition kits to your members by tonight, and in doing so they can unlock a ton of information based on their own DNA makeup (no more guessing).

DM me if you’re a gym owner and seriously interested in differentiating your business and being an early adopter of this technology.

DNA Fitness and Nutrition kits to your members by tonight, and in doing so they can unlock a ton of information based on their own DNA makeup (no more guessing).

And you get to walk them through this as their trusted advisor.

Shoot me a message if you’re a gym owner and seriously interested in differentiating your business and being an early adopter of this technology.

You can download and read my book about this emerging technology and system to help add value to your members and add revenue to your gym!

🟢 🟢

Richard Rigor

3 Ways To Increase Your Business

Gym Owners

There’s just 3.

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
  3. Increase the frequency clients return and buy again.

Now let’s put this in the gym owner’s setting.

Get more clients. Duh, right?

Actually no.

When times are good, we tend to back off the marketing. Don’t!

Keep the marketing going, always. Sure, you can slightly decrease your budget, but never cut completely.

When a client signs up, you can increase that initial sale by offering additional  PT, apparel, supplements, or something along those lines. When they’re in the process of that initial sale, show additional value that can apply to their needs and do it.

As a gym owner you already are automatically billing them monthly for their membership.

So how can you increase the frequency of them buying?

Here are a few that stand out.

T-shirts. These are so easy. Make a monthly t-shirt. (You better have a really good designer).

Make a very “short run” or take pre-orders.

Hopefully you have a setup in place where you can get shirts quickly and for only $8 or so printed on a quality tee. Sell for $20-$25.

Supplements. Now this is the system that will absolutely provide value and is in line with what you offer – optimal wellness and fitness coaching inside and encouraging environment.

Listen, many of your members are taking supplements whether you’re aware of it or not. They’re buying stuff at Costco, ordering online…

And what’s the common denominator? They’re not ordering from you.

(Okay, some of you already have a sweet running supplement system in place that’s predictable and profitable – keep at it!)

But for those who don’t it’s time to step it up.

If you haven’t read my ebook explaining this system, download it here
GymBoost – DNA Breakthrough System

Let’s recap.

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
  3. Increase the frequency clients return and buy again.

Let’s go!

Client Assessment Walk-Through

Gym owners

Okay now imagine this…

You have a turnkey system where your clients/members take an Assessment online that:

  • Provides them an IDHealth Score
  • Comprehensive Health Report [PDF]
  • Provides Nutritional Supplement Recommendations Customized Based On Their Responses
  • Is HIPAA Compliant

When clients/members purchase these nutritional supplement recommendations, you’ll make a commission.

Get them on scheduled delivery, and you’ll build a predictable, automated, additional income stream.

Gym Owners – here’s something even better…

Give your Training Staff this ability as well – they’ll jump on the opportunity to make EXTRA money, plus you can get paid on their sales as well. We can talk more about this option, if you’d like (it’s pretty incredible).

Part 1


Part 2

Having this system in place will make your gym stand out and differentiate you from the crowd.
If you want to have this system (personal website) by tonight [for free], shoot me an email at
If you haven’t ready my ebook explaining this system, download it here – DNA Breakthrough System