3 Ways To Increase Your Business

Gym Owners

There’s just 3.

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
  3. Increase the frequency clients return and buy again.

Now let’s put this in the gym owner’s setting.

Get more clients. Duh, right?

Actually no.

When times are good, we tend to back off the marketing. Don’t!

Keep the marketing going, always. Sure, you can slightly decrease your budget, but never cut completely.

When a client signs up, you can increase that initial sale by offering additional  PT, apparel, supplements, or something along those lines. When they’re in the process of that initial sale, show additional value that can apply to their needs and do it.

As a gym owner you already are automatically billing them monthly for their membership.

So how can you increase the frequency of them buying?

Here are a few that stand out.

T-shirts. These are so easy. Make a monthly t-shirt. (You better have a really good designer).

Make a very “short run” or take pre-orders.

Hopefully you have a setup in place where you can get shirts quickly and for only $8 or so printed on a quality tee. Sell for $20-$25.

Supplements. Now this is the system that will absolutely provide value and is in line with what you offer – optimal wellness and fitness coaching inside and encouraging environment.

Listen, many of your members are taking supplements whether you’re aware of it or not. They’re buying stuff at Costco, ordering online…

And what’s the common denominator? They’re not ordering from you.

(Okay, some of you already have a sweet running supplement system in place that’s predictable and profitable – keep at it!)

But for those who don’t it’s time to step it up.

If you haven’t read my ebook explaining this system, download it here
GymBoost – DNA Breakthrough System

Let’s recap.

  1. Increase the number of clients.
  2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
  3. Increase the frequency clients return and buy again.

Let’s go!

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