Bootcamp Domination

Bootcamp Fitness Domination

Bootcamp “Farming”

Bootcamp Farming is when you scope out a neighborhood and cultivate prospects to campers from within that neighborhood. “Farming” is typically a real estate term that agents use when they focus on a specific area or neighborhood and constantly keep on marketing to that area (and eventually “own it” like you will).

This is your first step in your quest for bootcamp domination. Use this outdoor bootcamp strategy I’m outlining here and hone in on it now!

With bootcamp farming, how you choose an area is simple. It starts with one client who lives in the area – then you build around that. This client should be a raving fan of yours.

Offer your client a free month of bootcamp if she can round up 10 friends in the neighborhood to get your bootcamp going. [Note:] When starting a new bootcamp location, oftentimes I’ll set up the first class or even first week for free.

More campers the better. It builds a better synergy and atmosphere.

Farming The Neighborhood

1. Register a domain for this area or neighborhood. You can do something like I register my domains here. Do this immediately. You’ll use this domain on all marketing tools for this farm area. You will effectively be perceived as the bootcamp for that particular area or neighborhood.

2. Oversized Postcards – It’s a great idea to send postcards to the homes around the location (park, open field, etc) where you hold your bootcamp. You can send an announcement postcard stating that you’re starting a new bootcamp in the area – and make sure you stamp it with your domain name that you registered for the area in a big prominent font on the postcard.

You can either physically write down the street addresses of the nearby homes or better yet – get with a real estate agent (I’m sure you know one) and ask if s/he could print out the addresses for you. (All agents have this ability through the MLS.) Of course, you’d want to perhaps create a cross marketing relationship with this agent. Remember, you’ve got to give to get.

3. Moms Groups – When I ran my bootcamps, my demo was 80% women. Many neighborhoods have moms groups where you can speak in front of. This is a great way to introduce yourself. Give them quality, simple, and actionable info (like a basic bodyweight workout they could even do at home if they can’t make it to your bootcamp).

4. Neighborhood Association Meetings – Again, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and give out quality info to position yourself as the expert.

5. Word of Mouth – Get your campers talking with their neighbors and have them invite them to a class. You can also use or have your leader/client use the NextDoor app.

6. Free Weekend Workout – Show your presence in the area. Weekends are the perfect time to do this. You can involve more people and get the word out. A free weekend workout a month for the first few months (at least) of starting a new camp location will do wonders for your camp!


A neighborhood is already a built-in community. Now you can be the bootcamp for that community and “own it.”

You can repeat this strategy in multiple neighborhoods with this exact bootcamp farming method.

[Super Tip:] Remember the real estate agent I told you to become marketing friends with? Have him pull data on up and coming, growing, or established neighborhoods based on the demographics of your current neighborhood bootcamp.

You can then target these neighborhoods knowing that the demographics are similar to what you currently have going on.

Do The Math > Excite Your Mind > Take Action

2 neighborhood bootcamp locations. 2 separate class times each. Average 14 campers per class. 14 campers x 4 different classes = 56. With only 56 campers at an average of $150 per month, you’ll be generating $8,400 per month – a six figure per year run rate.

This model is expandable when you hire or contract additional trainers to run your bootcamps. You’ve got to lay the groundwork (systems) and then plug in the coaches and trainers on your team into the “system.” Stay with me and I’ll show you how to do it!

The Backstory

I did this when I first started my outdoor bootcamps. I had 2 locations at the time and ran only one morning class for each.

One was 2 times/week and the other was 3 times/week. I had at least 12 and sometimes up to 20 campers in each.

I only ran one morning class (5:30a) because I was a trainer at a globo-gym at the time.

But then as I realized I was making more money in that single bootcamp class (~$250) than I was making for a full day at the gym, I prepared my exit strategy from the globo-gym.

I ran bootcamps concurrently for several months, then made the leap to open my own gym. My mentor told me to treat it like an extension of your bootcamps, but now you’ve got a physical building so you never have to cancel because of weather.

This was back in 2007 – I opened the first licensed CrossFit Affiliate in Alabama, CrossFit Birmingham.

Fast forward 12 years… I had a successful exit and sold my gym in December 2019. Now I’m helping gym owners and trainers like you. A lot of learning, some failures, and plenty of successes happened during that time (including starting and selling a second affiliate gym) but that’s a story for another day.

So I’ve got the experience and now I’m helping others.

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